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Be the light you want for the world

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I’d want to pass along to others…

Were I to leave an inspirational message for the world upon my departure from this magnificent planet, it would be simple: Pay Attention.

By and large, our modern societies have imposed the tools and parameters of our utter distraction: cement jungles of our largely dysfunctional cities; inane and manipulative messages of coercive media; the goings-on of our governments with their hidden agendas; daily distractions of our runaway technologies and their abstract impressions, overlaid upon the tapestries of our richly woven lives as “spiritual beings, having a human experience.”

Every life is a chalice, which carries the potential to be filled with the all the light of creation, as we learn to embrace our own godliness: co-creators of the Dream and sparks of Divine Spirit. If only we stop, and pay attention to the Earth and to each other—to all living beings—we remember our higher purpose, just as we remember our role in the unfolding of our collective experience … filling our cups with the liquid light of unconditional love.

Many of us seem to be forever racing through unlimited fields of probabilities, yet at the same time feel somehow stuck within a sense of limitation: running here, running there … back and forth … in space and time. Creatures of our societal designs, we have become so intent upon reaching the often unattainable and illusive “goal” that all-too-often, we seem to lose ourselves, blind to the beauty of the journey itself: forgetting that the wonder of life is to be found in the subtle shades of “becoming” … and not in the black and white borderlands of “arrival.”

Ask yourself. How often do you stop and take notice of the pure miracle of the journey itself: that you are birthed … that you breathe, that you feel … that you love and are loved (on so many levels) and yes, that you are even capable of contemplating how you pass through this lifetime to another? You are like a seed, which takes root in the soil and then reaches upwards, towards the sun, growing tall and mighty, like a great oak tree … only to drop its seed again, perpetuating its own eternity.

Miracles unfold around us in every moment, but they often elude us, while we distract ourselves by projecting into a non-existent future or to the memory of a time we believe was surely more beautiful and rewarding than now.

Pay attention to the fact that, in the end, you have this: this moment; this hour of your making: of joy or suffering; of light or darkness; of love or fear. Realize that you are the seed (container of all memory), the root, the tree, the branch and the leaf, spinning its graceful dance into winter, as it falls to the frozen ground below. And consider, when you drink, for the last time, of the wine of Earth’s incredible bounty: Will you recognize all that is yours – and has always been? Will you celebrate the perfection of all that life is? Or will your ponder what might have, could have been?

Life is oh so precious. Gaze into the innocent eyes of a child; notice the first day of spring; taste the raindrop on your lips; watch the sun rise; sew a seed. Know the perfection of just “being.” Beauty is all around you, there to be celebrated, as is the miracle, forever unfolding….

By: Patricia Cori

June 15, 2010 Posted by | Personal Development | Leave a comment

Whatever you can do or dream you can….

Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. ~ Goethe

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I’d want to pass along to others…

You’re Either On The Train, Or You’re On The Track

The greatest power that you hold is the power of choice, because every choice you make dictates every result you get in your life – good or bad. And most importantly, every decision you make starts in your mind.

All of us start out with this incredible power, yet so many give it away by refusing to step up and be accountable for their decisions. Sadly, most people choose to be a victim of circumstances and others, and never recognize that they are choosing that position.

Look at some of the most successful people in the world, or even those that are around you, and you’ll find one thing in common – those who are consistently successful and happy do not choose the role of victim.

Allowing yourself to take on that role robs you of your ability to change your circumstance. As long as you feel that the problem or reason is “outside of you”, you instantly yield your personal power, and become the result of someone else’s choices. The moment you decide it’s your responsibility, the world literally shifts for you.

I began practicing one of the most powerful habits I have a few years ago, every time I ran into a situation where something didn’t go the way I had hoped. Instead of looking around for someone to blame, or some excuse to justify it, I would simply ask myself, “What role did I play in this?”

While most of us would like to believe it’s “never our fault” when things go wrong, the fact is we almost always have some responsibility when things go wrong. Whether it’s a business relationship, a marriage, or anything else, the willingness to accept your part is the difference between living in power, or living in regret.

When you’re honest with yourself, you’ll find a lot of situations where you did play a part .. and the moment you’re willing to accept it, that allows you to then learn from that experience.

You get to choose whether you play the victim, or the victor – and your understanding of the power of choice will dictate almost everything happens in your life!

You are making choices every minute of your life – what to think about next, how to feel, where to place your attention, and what you’re going to say. The quality of your life is determined simply by the choices that you make along the way.

Want to change your life?

Change the quality of your decisions, and embrace the incredible power you have to change your circumstances.

This may sound too simple to be true, but the fact remains that whether something that happens to you is good or bad is based on whether you choose to think of it as good or bad.

Most of us have the experience that when something negative happens to us, later in time (with hindsight) we look back and recognize that what we perceived originally as negative .. turned out to be one of the greatest things that happened to us!

Don’t underestimate the gift you’ve been given to be able to make choices in your life. It’s what makes each of us unique, and also gives every one of us the ability to make anything want of our life – all we have to do is truly choose to live a life of wonder, and the universe will set those things into motion to help you make it happen.

By: Greg Habstritt  Founder of: Simple Wealth.

June 15, 2010 Posted by | Personal Development | Leave a comment

Live, Love, Laugh…

Live fully like it is your last day. Love freely like it is your first day. Laugh fiercely like a child. And let life flow. ~ Kute Blackson

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I’d want to pass along to others…In our high tech culture today, where we have the capacity to send emails, create iphones, build airplanes, harness nuclear and solar energy, we seem to have lost touch with a power far greater. The power of Life. The power of the SOUL. The power of our very own Infinite nature.

Up until now MIRACLES have been left to special saints, gurus, and chosen masters. Miracles have become some far out and unusual experience rather than a natural experience in our everyday living.

In our scientific world, everything needs to make sense and be logical. We seem to have lost touch with our capacity for awe, innocence, wonder. Increasingly, we have become disconnected from the flow, from our true source, to the point where we are more surprised when so called out of the ordinary things occur, that we call these miracles. Yet, miracles are available to us each moment.
Times are changing now. The miracle workers simply reflect to us our own highest potential within. They are simply mirroring to us our real selves. They live beyond the mind, and are in tune with Life, and are thus lived by life. And life works through them.
When you live in the mind you limit yourself to the known, based on the past experiences rather than the infinite possibilities of life. When you go beyond the mind you access a field of pure potentiality and in this space life can unfold effortlessly through you.
It is our time now.

When you are in tune with yourself, miracles happen, as an effortless by-product. Then it is impossible to not experience miracles. Miracles become your natural state. The way it is. Living a miraculous life becomes your new norm.

It is time to stop merely worshiping the great ones but to embrace, accept and dare to step into our own magnificence and Divinity. It is time that we humbly recognize that, that which we are projecting is what we actually are. What you are able to see in another is that which you are already. When you are able to acknowledge your true SELF, you realize the living miracle that you are, and the possibilities are endless. Then infinite creative intelligence will rise to meet you in a co-creative dance.

With all the many changes going on in our world today: old systems collapsing, and old paradigms evolving. So many folks are feeling a sense of fear and instability. Many seem to be blaming, finger pointing, ranting and wondering when someone is going to come and fix it all for us. Well guess what?

No one’s coming… because YOU are already here.

The government isn’t coming. Your parents aren’t going to rescue you. The aliens aren’t coming. The white knight on the horse isn’t coming.

You are the ONE. You are the one that you have been looking for. You are the miracle that you have been seeking.

When you reclaim your power and accept it, you open yourself to another level of power, which sometimes can be SCARY to realize how powerful we really are. We often run from it, and pretend to be light bulbs when we really are the sun. We try to run from our own Divinity. But we can never. When you embrace your own innate Divinity and move beyond victimhood then you become co-creators and no longer have any excuses.

I have had the opportunity to travel to many amazing sites and wonders of the world. All these wonders pale in comparison to the power, beauty and realness of your SPIRIT. You are formless, without shape, size, color, or name. Fire cannot touch you, wind cannot extinguish you, water can wet you. You have no price tag. Your SPIRIT is infinite and Free.

The real wonder of the world is not the pyramids, Angkor Wat, Niagara Falls, the Himalayas, the Taj Mahal, but YOU. You are it and the miracle is You.

When you awaken to this, there is no need to go anywhere. No need to achieve anything. You are the miracle of BEING that is alive now

Visit: By: Kute Blackson

June 15, 2010 Posted by | Personal Development | Leave a comment

Move out of your comfort zone. Very good advice from Arnfried.

 Personal contact is so important when trying to grow an income matrix. Speaking to people, just to make that first contact and establish a relationship, is essential. But you may not feel comfortable speaking to strangers about Be Motivated Today.

Remember: you don’t need to convince others to do anything. But I would like to encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and just start speaking to strangers in the shopping queue, or anywhere where you stand and wait to be served. Start by just mentioning the weather. Next time, as you feel more comfortable, talk about how expensive everything is. Once you find that easier, next time mention that you have found a company that helps people financially (after speaking about how expensive everything is). Ask them for their email address and send them the Invitation Email.

It is always good to get out of one’s comfort zones, because it helps you get ready to release more of your potential.

I am confident
I can speak to strangers
I have what it takes

 Arnfried Klein-Werner
Motivator & CEO – Be Motivated Today

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June 15, 2010 Posted by | Be Motivated Today | Leave a comment